After a lovely day at home yesterday feeling a sense of accomplishment and anticipating new things on the horizon, I was able to join some friends at knit night. My friend, Madeline, who owns a lovely yarn shop in Edwardsville, IL, hosts an after hours knit night every Thursday night. I rarely get to go, but yesterday was one of my rare appearances -- it was so nice to be there.
We all just sit around and chat and laugh and knit. It's a wonderful way to spend an evening. I continued to work on my sweater still in progress and enjoyed watching other people show off and tell about their projects. One of my friends dyes and sells her own yarn and will soon be selling it on etsy under the name Skeined Alive. Her tag line is Dyed and Gone to Heaven. Isn't that cool?
Of course, it's difficult not to be charmed by new and colorful yarn. Madeline started a really neat monthly yarn club for us. Each month we receive one mystery skein of Dream in Color yarn. This month's yarn is Smooshy sock yarn. It's 20% cashmere, so it's feels lovely. They named the color Irish Sprout, how appropriate as we're waiting for any sign of spring to start sprouting around here.
Next post, I think I'd like share what it is exactly that has me so excited and why I'm really looking forward to bright things on the horizon. I don't want to keep it a secret. Plus I could probably use your advise, suggestions and encouragement as well. In the mean time, I wish you a peaceful, relaxing weekend filled with signs of spring.
blessings and happiness,
yummmmmm! xox