As an artist...
I enjoy working with everything from paint and canvas, pen and paper, watercolors, art papers, glitter's all so fun! I also sew occasionally and when I do, I love working with vintage linens such as tablecloths, doilies, and hankies, colorful mod quilting fabrics, ric-rac, ribbon, etc. I rarely use a pattern, so sometimes things don't turn out quite as planned. Since I have virtually no formal art training, my artistic style is still developing and I'm always excited to see what will come out next.
As a mom...
You'll probably find Legos, train tracks or even a tea party on the floor in my knitting-art room. In all likelihood, the laundry is clean, but hasn't been folded, and were it not for the Croc Pot, dinner would probably be of questionable content (which might explain why I'm the only one who eats leftovers...)
As a wife...
I've been married to my best friend for 16 years. We met when we were stationed together in the Air Force. We have 3 children (Brenna, Brooke and Sean), a very loyal rescued mutt, and one incredibly cute bunny (Brooke spoils her rotten). We all live in a sometimes messy, always lively house, where every day is a new adventure.
As a dreamer...
I secretly (ok, maybe not secretly, Rob and I talk about it often), long to drive a convertible and live in a quiet little cottage on a lake (or the beach) with my own art studio, a ginormous porch with a hammock and someone else cooking dinner. But for now I'm making art in my little room with a view of the front garden. (I can hear the wind chimes and the waterfall, so I imagine I'm on a lake.) There's great light and it's a comfy place, where I can just be me and let whatever little dreams are inside my head at the time come out for me and the rest of the world to see and say,
"oh, hello, glad you're here today."