Yesterday after taking the children to school, I had a few brief errands to run, one of which was a trip to a local chocolate shop. Well, I don't know about you, but leaving a chocolate shop empty-handed is like leaving a yarn shop empty-handed -- not happening.
So as a treat to myself (I rarely buy nice chocolate for myself) I bought a few truffles to enjoy at home. As I cast on my new sweater, I sat back and relaxed and enjoyed a little peace and a little piece of chocolate. I think it was a good way to start. :)
Rob's due back from a trip later today, so I'm doing laundry and tidying things up a bit, but I'm definitely going to squeeze in some more time for knitting. What are you making time for today?
blessings and happiness,
what a perfect day! two of my favorite things: knitting and chocolate. have a lovely weekend! :)